• String Interpolation in Clojure (vs. Scala ? ;-) -- "Can your language do this?", part 47 (here, via @cemerick) -- How to provide Clojure with string interpolation similar to Ruby or Groovy. That's a nice feature to have! Will this make it to a reader macro as the author suggests? We'll see.
  • My ports of Clojure 1.1.0-alpha, clojure-contrib (1.0 & 1.1), and Leiningen are now in the official MacPorts. (via @ieure) -- awesome!
  • My Clojure Wide Finder is running *insanely* fast. Am cackling with joy (via @timbray) -- this is interesting. How'd you do it? And where are the numbers?
    • a) java.lang.String.split b) reduce c) smaller buffers. d) type hinting. Faster than #scala and still room to improve. #clojure (via @timbray) -- Ah! That's how! Wait?!?! Faster than Scala?
  • Unit testing in the REPL (here, via @markneedham) -- If you haven't started using @sutarsierra's test library, this is a nice and short introductory article to it.
  • #clojure #leiningen 1.0.0 is out (here, via @technomancy) -- congrats! ... but now it looks like Maven 3 could be a worthy competitor...
  • Uber cool or just beyond crazy mad - a scripted maven3 polyglot pom with clojure - needs more work thou (here, via @tailos) -- what I said before... Maven 3 throws its hat in the ring
  • Scaling out for #analytics w/ #hadoop & cross language tools #jvm #crane #incanter #clojure #rstats (here, via @alisohani) -- Great article on how Clojure, Incanter, Crane and Hadoop can work together to perform ad-hoc analysis on large datasets.
  • Setting up Clojure, Emacs, Slime, and Swank (here, via @dewitt) -- yet another how-to for this set of tools. This one is good if you want to avoid using @technomancy's Emacs Starter Kit
  • Short Chat Server in Clojure - After seeing a neat little demo of a chat server in node.js, I wondered... (here, via @KirinDave) -- A chat server in 75 lines of code... !