• For all you Clojurians and Lispers out there: click here (via @publicfarley) -- How true!
  • Leiningen, the #clojure build tool, now installable via MacPorts (here, via @ieure) -- Thanks!
  • #compojure's route and html generation has been spinned out (here, via @wmacgyver) -- James Reeves has spun out some parts of #compojure so that they can be used outside of compojure. Some parts have also been improved from the original versions inside of compojure. The HTTP routing part is "Clout" and the HTML generation part is "Hiccup"
  • Bit by this, #clojure's ns macro needs help/documentation/clarification. Too much hunting & pecking. (via @xgavin) -- Indeed.
  • Building a #Clojure Web application with #Incanter, #Compojure, and #Leiningen (here, via @liebke) -- or, "How to name the four of the coolest technologies in one sentence". This is an awesome article that shows how fast the Clojure ecosystem is growing... a must read!
  • Java fault? Running out of memory when using loop/recur and destructuring (here, via @ajlopez) -- Interesting issue with the JVM (that is no problem with the MS's CLR)