Looks like @stuarthalloway made a quite splash introducing Clojure at QCon, judging for all the tweets. Here are some tweeted quotes:

  • "starting with TDD for a new programming language isn't a great way to learn" (via @samnewman)
  • "Relevance believes in using BDD with FP" (via @deanwampler)
  • "clojure.test is nice compared to others, but Ruby kicks everybody's ass when it comes to testing" (via @fabiokung)
  • "I used to be a Java programmer but I got tired of all the parens" (via @fabiokung)
  • "Clojure actually uses less parens than Java" (via @Akombo)
  • "There is support [for Clojure] in NetBeans and Eclipse, but most of the serious kids use vi or Emacs" (via @joelash)
  • "Does anyone know this low level, JVM assembly language called Java?" (via @alberto_souza)
…. that’s a lot of funny quotes. How long was his talk?

One thing to note today is the high energy that the Clojure community is displaying these days. Leiningen and clojars.org went from unknown projects to stardom in what? 24 hours? Certainly there are a lot of folks chomping at the bit to get their brains soaked with Clojure.

Anyway, here’s what was going on in the intertweets today:

  • Building #Clojure projects with #leiningen (here, via @zef) -- An introductory post on Leiningen
  • 42% discount on Clojure in Action through November 24th use coupon code n2442 at checkout (here, via @amitrathore) -- get it while it's fresh!!! And buy one for your friends too...
  • Clojars announcement on the #clojure list (here, via @weakreference)
  • Now that @bradfordcross has successfully Maven-ized Incanter, I'd like to Leiningen-ize it and host it on Clojars.org (via @liebke) -- and so he did
  • Clojars and Leiningen Automate Library and Dependency Management for Clojure (here, via @infoq) -- An interview to the creator of #Clojars.org Alex Osborne about this new project.
  • Parallel I/O in Clojure (here, via @timbray) -- This is the last part of a series of articles from Tim Bray (of XML fame) about Clojure, with the following conclusion: "It’s pretty short. It’s pretty readable. It parallelizes well on modern hardware. It was written by someone who is not a Lisper and had never touched Clojure a few weeks ago. What’s not to like?"... Yeah! What's not to like about that?