• Rich Hickey on reasons behind deftype/protocol in #clojure (here, via @wmacgyver) -- Rich Hickey explains a the rationale behind some design decisions for the new features of #clojure, and also provides hints on when to use them and when use the current existing alternatives (reify vs. proxy, deftype vs. defstruct, deftype vs. gen-class). There is also a discussion about why 'protocols' is a better option than Java's class/interface inheritance and partial implementation, at least for #clojure.
    • ... and if you want to see how the use of protocols looks like, here is an example (via @stuartsierra)
  • Final mini blog on poker and #clojure (here, via @s_e_t_h) -- this is a followup of a previous article that we referenced a few days ago. The code can now be found in bitbucket
  • Clojure tutorial: fetching web comics (here, via @antest) -- Yet another introductory tutorial to Clojure.
  • #leiningen, "A build tool for Clojure designed to not set your hair on fire" (here, via @pholdings) -- By @technomancy, a tool to describe and build your clojure projects in clojure (wraps maven and ant). Here is an example of a project definition: [clj](defproject leiningen "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT" :dependencies [ [org.clojure/clojure "1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT"] [org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.0-SNAPSHOT"] [ant/ant-launcher "1.6.2"] [org.apache.maven/maven-ant-tasks "2.0.10"]] :dev-dependencies [ [org.clojure/swank-clojure "1.0"]])[/clj] and here an example of a build command: [bash]$ lein repl # launch a REPL with the project classpath configured[/bash]
  • Clojure and Android with Emacs on Ubuntu (here, via @elight)
  • Swank-clojure 1.0 and dependencies made it into elpa! Should make installation much easier now (via @technomancy) -- Yay!!!