• Tail recursion and function composition (here, via @jneira) -- Building recursive data structures by recursively composing anonymous functions... er, did I get this one right?
  • Shuffling cards with Clojure (here, via @s_e_t_h) -- the title says it all. It is a good post if you want to show someone foreign to lisp how symbolic manipulation and recursion work...
  • Do all God's chillun have to be writing their web code in Erlang or Haskell or Clojure? (here, via @timbray) -- The article explores the evolution of Cloud Computing in their use of multicore and postulates that GAE and Azure will have to eventually provide access to multicore capabilities in their clouds (for example allowing new threads to be created). This will give way to languages like Clojure, Haskell or Erlang.
  • Stopping Times and Laziness (here, via @kotarak) -- how to know when it is possible to write some code to be fully lazy
  • Tweaking Clojure (here, via @tiagoantao) -- did you know that if you don't like Clojure's core libraries, you can rewrite them?